Enoch, Hero of Jewish Literature – Part III

Enoch Fragment  (4 Q201-821) A fragment of the book of Enoch was found in Cave 4, the library of the Essene community of Qumran. This piece has been exactly reproduced and is offered here by Biblical Reproductions. Enoch was the son of Cain (Genesis 5:21-24) who did...
Enoch, Whom God Took Away – Part II

Enoch, Whom God Took Away – Part II

Enoch Fragment (4 Q201-821) Enoch, according to Genesis 5:24, was the first human being who did not die. Rather, “…he was no more, because God took him away.”   This mystical and mysterious ending to his life excited the imagination of Jewish writers of the period...
Leviticus 23 (11Q1) – Part II

Leviticus 23 (11Q1) – Part II

The Day of Atonement The fragment of Leviticus 23, described here in Biblical Reproductions blog, includes verses 26 and following, and deals with YomKippur, the Day of Atonement, holiest day of the Hebrew calendar. The text of verses 26 -28 reads- 26 The Lord said to...
Leviticus 23 (11Q1) – Part I

Leviticus 23 (11Q1) – Part I

The Appointed Festivals The book of Leviticus, a reproduction of which (from Chapter 23) will be offered here in near future by Biblical Reproductions, is the third book of the Pentateuch, the Five Books of Moses.  It is different from the book that precedes it,...